About Me

- Levi Martin
- I am a twenty-one year old christian tursting God has he shows me the way to go. I live in Ky out in the county, which is the only place to be.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Driving Fast.
All that to share this. On one of my stops today I go to a fire station and we were talking about the weather that was coming though the next couple of days and I ask him if they were ready for it. And he said "no, people don't know how to slow down in the icy weather, they are driving fast to go nowhere!"
I thought about that, it's so true that we are out there driving faster then we should to accomplish what? To get somewhere a couple minutes earlier then we would if we slow down a little bit.
God Bless.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Why chose me over the greater men of the earth?
Why forgive me of the greatest sins of the earth?
Why bless me with friends and family beyond compare?
Why provide for my every need?
Why me?
Why give me peace when the world is in turmoil?
Why Love me as your child after all I have done against you?
Why reveal yourself to me when I have rejected you?
Why continue to speak to me when I have cut your word from my ears before?
Why me?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Winter Driving
God Bless
Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I’m sure you are wondering what “DO NOT” is supposed to mean. Well it’s another adventure of mine that I have been blessed to not happen to me before this. Ok I will tell you. Do not step though a drywall ceiling! Yes I stepped though a customer’s ceiling while moving a TV cable for them. It all started when I was talking to lady from church that I do work for on a regularly, she was talking about her condo that she just sold, the people that bought it had it inspected and one of the GFI's outside was messed up before they bought it, therefore the lady hired me to go over and put it in at her expense. While I was there they wanted me to put up a fan and replace the other GFI, I did that later that week but before I left they wondered if I could move “the TV cable” from one side of the room to the other and I told them sure I can. Two weeks later I went over there to do this 20min job. Well I fell though the ceiling and the wife wasn’t there but the husband was and I got out of the attic to find blown-in insulation all over the floor and a 1’X5’ hole in the ceiling. Good thing was the husband was laughing so he wasn’t mad. I called up my good friend Brian to come and look at it. He ended up putting one coat of drywall mud on it that night, and we got the TV cable down the wall and left. Later that week I finished putting the second coat of drywall mud on, sanded (which is very messy), and painted. After it was all over it ended up being instead of being 20min. it was four hours. It turned out good but I would rather not do it again.
The cool thing was after it was all done the wife asks me if I could look at light outside that wasn’t working. And I was like sure why not. It was a simple fix and she said that she would keep me on the list, and no not the do not call list.
I learned that if you take responsibility for your actions then it will turn out right, even if you don’t think it will at the time.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
New Job
Then I got with a company though them that I liked working for, but right at the end of the job I was digging the whole week and I couldn't take working in ninety plus degree weather digging any more. My mom asked me earlier that week if I knew any body that would interested in driving a delivery truck at the time I said no. but as that week went on and I dug and dug I thought do I want to keep on digging and not being sure of were I'm going to work the next week? NO I don't, so I told my mom that I wanted to take a break from electrical work for a little bit. So I text my uncle to see if the people he knew was still looking for someone to be a delivery guy, and I never got a text back so I just went on with work, and that day the people I was working for told me that this was going to be my last day for a little bit so I thought well here we go again with no job. but little did I know that God was watching over me and this job waiting for me. I get off work with no word, until I check my phone and I had text messages, missed calls and voice mails all over. So I start checking them and they are all about the some thing call the guy at the delivery place he is only going to be there for today and tomorrow. I call him and I talk to him for a little bit and they ask me if I can come in for a interview soon and I said I could come over right then and they said OK. I walked in with my dirty clothes on and we talk and they did every thing but hire me. They sent me home with tons of paper to fill out which looked like as if they were going to hire me. I fill all the paper work out and brought them in the next day and they said that I had a very good chase of getting hired because of my uncle and that they would get a hold of me by the next day. I go home and wait because I didn't have any work after that day. I waited the next day and never get a call and by this time I'm thinking that I'm stuck with digging for a while. But I'm still hopeful that I will get a call, I make sure my phone has service if they called in the morning. That next morning I wake up to someone calling me. Its them the first thing he tells me is that I'm hired and when can I start, and I said tomorrow, I started the job the next day and I'm liking it so far. And that's how I got my new job as a delivery guy. I know I was rambling on but I couldn't stop typing.
Monday, August 30, 2010
It's Been A Long Time!
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
No Internet

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Growing Up?
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Its getting there.

Friday, March 26, 2010

God Bless.