About Me

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I am a twenty-one year old christian tursting God has he shows me the way to go. I live in Ky out in the county, which is the only place to be.

Monday, August 30, 2010

It's Been A Long Time!

It didn't seem like April was the last time I posted some thing on here, I could say that I have been too busy but that wouldn't be true, I have just been putting other thing before blogging. I would like to share my adventures since I have last wrote some thing.

I guess I could start with my trip to Georgia that was going to be time alone with God but I let my lustful way for FUN get in the way. It started that I just wanted to get away from every thing but ended up being a trip wasted, instead of being quiet and listening to God's voice and reading his word I played all week:( I went white water rafting, played golf and watched TV. I did get out and hike and see the great creation that God has made, but I wasted the week playing. Don't get me wrong I had a great time playing but that's not what the weekend was for. Who ever is reading this will be the frist people to know that I wasted the week. I guess this is my confession. Well that's one of many to come. God bless and have a great day!

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